Translations:Работа с MicroStock+ Sync/9/en

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Launching and configuring the M+Sync

First time you run M+ Sync, you will have to choose or create a folder that will serve as the root for the synchronization. You can change it later, but that will restart the synchronization process from scratch (unless you move your files there first). Once the folder is chosen or created, you will be able to configure the program using the top menu.

  • Use "Account" to log out or visit the M+ store (Pricing);
  • Use "Settings" to enable/disable the app autostart, change the interface language or modify the synchronization interval (in minutes);
  • Use "Help" to open a support chat or to read this article (M+ FAQ).

Working with folders

To synchronize a specific M+ folder to a folder on your PC you can create a connection between them. In the left column (File tree) choose a folder you want to synchronize, click on the green button with a computer and a chain icon and specify any folder on your PC (or create a new one). When you synchronize a folder, all of its subfolders will be automatically synchronized so you don't have to create a connection for every subfolder manually.

Sync create connection.png

To avoid confusion and errors M+ Sync doesn't allow synchronizing two or more M+ folders into the same folder on your PC. If you try to do so, you will receive a message explaining that. In that case you will have to create/choose another folder.
To remap a connected folder to another folder on your PC, simply click on the currently connected folder and specify another one.

Sync change fold.png

To break a connection between folders, click the icon with a chain once so it turns into a red cross. All files that were already synchronized will remain on your PC.

Sync deconnect.png

If you decide to re-connect folders after breaking the connection between them, M+ Sync will scan the files and update the local copy to ensure they match with the M+ version. After that it will continue the synchronization.
To start the synchronization press the toggle to the right.

Sync process start.png

A progress bar for this folder will appear to the right. There will be also a summary progress bar at the bottom of the app window that will display the total progress and ETA for all folders currently being synchronized. Files will be downloaded to the folder you have connected. If you're synchronizing a subfolder, a gray progress bar will appear for all folders containing it so that you won't miss what subfolders are being synchronized. The app will keep periodically checking the M+ copy of the files for any new changes and will synchronize your local files to be up to date at all times. Interval of this check can be specified in settings as described above.
Two right-most columns contain basic information about the folders and their content: their total size and how many files and subfolders are inside.